Saturday, May 22, 2010

Half Moon

Last night I looked up at the half moon. I felt forlorn..
I let myself be there in that sadness.
I remembered a dream, a hope I had, a wish I wanted to see realized
and that part of me felt lonely...
I held space for Consciousness to reveal a deeper truth.
I realized that I had this current of Love running through my body.
I felt so full and pregnant with this energy of Love.
The fragmented part of me said, " Where is he?" and
the whole being said," I am She" and in that moment I realized my power..
to Love.

So, with eyelids at half mast and wearing a faint smile,
I wrapped my far reaching energy arms around this world
and I brought it into my chest and into my middle
and I just held it All so tenderly. So fully did I feel my love pour out
and through and around and back again... into me.
It was so perfect this long, loving embrace.
It was so healing for me to let that bounty of love flow,
in the moment with no conditions, allowing it to find it's own way
into every heart, every cell, every atom and the spaces in between.
I felt at peace, like I had everything, like i am everything,
loving myself inward, outward and through.
There was no prayer to say... no hope to feel.
In the moment of my loving the Universe through the world I know,
I am healed.
So this is my gift to All.
Love Love Love