Wednesday, May 6, 2020


I find myself feeling deeply sad about all the suffering in the world. I have always been able to consciously tap into the suffering all over the globe. I learned to not let it swallow me whole. Instead, I acknowledge it, allowing myself to feel it…to have that beautifully human, sometimes painful experience of love and compassion for my brothers and sisters, around the world.

Then the natural compulsion to help…. What can I do to help?

I thought maybe just share what I know? Better yet, share what I feel.

Ok, I’ll test that.


1.) We need air and water, but we can survive with very little food. Many grasses and some weeds are edible.
The common Dandelion with the yellow flowers is a good example. Every part of that is edible, roots stem, leaves and flower. 
If you see animals eating it its probably ok. So stick with what you sure of Dandelions and grasses. And Find A Water source. Start collecting. If water has been stored for a long time and you want to make sure its safe, you can sanitize it.

"To sanitize: 2 drops of Regular Clorox Bleach per quart of water 
8 drops of Regular Clorox Bleach per gallon of water 
1/2 teaspoon Regular Clorox Bleach per five gallons of water 
If water is cloudy, double the recommended dosages of Clorox Bleach."

2.) a. Have hydrogen peroxide solution handy to disinfect things. Publix has an industrial grade thats near the Clorox bleach . Its good for surfaces and to spray down masks and gloves. Many who don't have access to that, do a sand wash with sand thats been sterilized by the heat and UV of the sun. It works for animals.

3.) Get out into nature… breathe the fresh air…stand barefoot on the ground and feel the healing electro-magnetic energy come up through your legs infiltrating and washing through you.   

4). Do what you love... sing, pray, plant and create. If you have forgotten, try to remember what made you happy as a child and do that or a version of that. Watch the children play, the dancers dance, the artist draw and thank them for their genuine expression of Life and Hope.

5.) Number 4 was about how to get back to feeling life. Number 5. Is about designing your death. It sounds morbid but there is a good chance you will feel calmer knowing you have thought it through. For me personally, do not bring me to a hospital! 


 Instead make me comfortable near a tree…resting on a cotton blanket… on the land, where I can hear the birds gently singing or the crows shout with their boisterous banter. 

Sit with me there… Offer me sips of water… maybe some honey or maple syrup… Tell me about the bumble bee getting high on the nectar of the Passion flower. 

Ask me if I can feel the sky blue and taste the abundant green surrounding me. 

Watch my eyes and my body respond to your words knowing I’m coming to terms and resting, there by the tree, in peace. 
Love me like you always have… love me enough to… let me go.

If it’s my time…Honor my return to the Great Mystery. 

You will remember that, then and only then am I truly FREE to ride the wind that brushes the tiny hairs on your face… When I am free, I will be the warmth of the Sun at you back, wrapping around you ,encouraging you like I always did. 

When I am Liberated from gravity, My mind and body will expand into everything and into nothing again… like we could glimpse in our meditations on occasions. 

And my dearly beloved… if by that tree on the ground, I should at once rise and head in for a cup of tea… it will have been a meaningful practice and a most precious time spent with one that I love so.

Bury me or pass me the honey, no matter. Each in its own time.

Love eternal,

Jivan Mukta

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