Sometimes I feel like I am going nowhere.
I think about that, my life measured by a collection
of rocks and feathers...
A while back Jim said, “Come on, lets go out to No Where.”
I hesitated, then I thought, “Why not,
I should bravely and consciously investigate
this 'not' place and see what it is about."
We arrived after a journey through green pastures and winding roads.
They were magical miles with many memories steeping through the
leafy trees, riding on rays of starlight that presumptuously infiltrated my pupils
to find their way to my rods and cones…
and I succumbed to the meeting and the electrical impulses
that traveled along boney back.
So I became ready to see with old eyes opened new,
to the reality of going no where.
I found cars and a bar and many stars that spangled the brains
of the belonging.
There were assorted cylinders and venders and ruthless avengers...
the stories sought and bought, a market place of mistakes and retakes
and a sign that pointed to a truth.
I wondered why I was no where, this moment, when a smiley face
answered in this case and I couldn’t help but smile back.
So we took a hike, to see what we like, getting to know one another
in great appreciation. We asked the questions and listened
to the answers.