It was time in my life that I began to really work in the garden,
fertilizing here, pruning there. I began to release many things, giving over
stewardship of what is precious and sacred.
Rocky, my dear friend, accepted Calsifer as his own son. Along with Cal, he received the cat box, some toys and two antique nightstands, which matched and fit perfectly on each side of his bed, the bed that would hold my Calsifer, the bed that would grow a certain love between and within them. So I left the compound in Peace, my wings unfurled.
I returned on the dark of the moon, a visit framed with the sting of cold damp air which penetrated my flesh and into my bones. And I wondered if the warmth that emanated from my Heart would be enough to keep the apparent realities from numbing and freezing this human vehicle I have come to love and rely on.
As I entered the compound my eyes grew wet and my Heart pounded as I remembered
meeting my lost love, my short but profound 3-month affair in the woods
under a starlit sky as we were serenaded by rustling leaves and
distant owls.
I remember the outdoor shower where I stood naked and in plain view of 1000 deciduous voyeurs.
I remember walking side by side into the woods past the mossy mound
where the sacred bed was laid upon sacred land.
This is the land where ancestors, creatures and light beings from worlds we have not yet imagined, come to visit.
That first night I tried to run, to steal away while you were sleeping.
And my love, the only thing that kept me was the promise that I would know,
yes, that I would, “ see and feel the greatest Love of all time,”
if I would just stay with you for three days and nights…
I found your company warm.. once I opened to you and your funny creative mind kept me entertained. I started to realize what I had been missing in all my journeys and in all my running. I started to grow deeper and deeper into this love that had an ancient feel.
I watched you as you conversed with the crows, the hawks and the owls.
I felt the stars transmit their magic and medicine. I watched this beautiful interlude between your capacity to realize and receive what is most sacred, and I laughed from the endlessness of my soul, as your mismatched irreverence pushed its way through the soil of sanctity, bearing its own medicine. You are so completely human and so completely divine. And I knew that what I was realizing,...what I was feeling …
was Love growing.
At the end of three days you asked me if I would marry you. Our hands together our eyes gazing upon the same star, I said, “Yes."
So it is.
We walked away from that portal place, away from the woods fully inhabiting this human body.
I hear the crunch of my steps and feel my lover’s weight…
I look down upon my hand and see my protector’s influence.
I see, I remember... how you touched to protect, how you touched to awaken
and how you touched to make Love…
And I tell you this day, “I Love You… Always have. Always will.”
And Yes, I am married to this beautiful soul and that, even death cannot diminish.
So I am grateful to return to visit this sacred land
and to this sacred space held by two genuine gentlemen and one fine cat,
a place where I found my greatest Love…
of Self.