See the dragonfly friend?
The Healing Tree
In Tune...
The Mystery quietly revealed...

The silence inside this manufactured box is so piercing.
The silence inside this manufactured box is so piercing.
It cuts through the drone of the air conditioning...
The mosquitoes trapped indoors are angry and relentless in there
attempts to move me or at least syphon off some of the sacred
water that circulates within...
I went to a girlfriends nearly abandoned townhouse.
It is in a neighborhood where many immigrants live.
The houses are connected with tiny individual back yards.
She has a great big tree... Looks so funny in that tiny back yard...
but it is there for a purpose.
I arrive using the key she gave me... and find her out back...
We throw our arms into the air with grins as wide as the horizon...
Gratitude...never ending...
She has a sheet spread out on the grass under the big tree.
I collapse, feeling the Earth engage my expanding ribs...
She lays down next to me. A dragonfly is perched on a plant watching.
It flies and swirls and lites back to watch, to listen, to do its magic...
We spend time in the place talking about cycles and closure.
We take pictures of the great tree that has nurtured her and taught her...
The sun starts to set. I see Venus... huge, past the leaves...
I ask to shower...she says apologetically," OH yes...but I have no hot water."
I smile, this is what I love about her... Hot water is a luxury...
so is running water and I soap up in cool gratitude...
We light candles and bring a cover sheet and pillows onto our Earth bed...
and lay side by side maybe for the last time ...who knows...
It is precious... the darkness, the tree...I look into her smiling eyes
and say,"It is vibrationally understood."
My eyes grow heavy listening to the crickets and the sounds of life that swirls through a neighborhood... where people remember how to be in touch...
because that's what they have... that is their treasure.
I felt the wanderer in me. I saw the wanderer in her and I was so honored
to share her grassy last time... I realized we are all wanderers...
trying to navigate through a magnificent, often confusing, world...
And in that moment I felt compassion for all mankind, born feeling separated...
wanting to cling to anything that would remind them of the peace they had left,
to come here to this Earth... I felt some wisdom pulse through my veins in sync with the twinkling stars. Yes, on that grassy bed, I felt whole. I felt connected to all humanity.
I looked at my friend...her white skin shining like the moon...
What has made our friendship special is the common journey, the common goal to serve mankind, following guidance of Spirit... We have realized the times necessitate more than ever those who are willing to live and Love for All... hence the conscious decision not to be in committed relationship with a man... for now.
We are fortunate that our highest destiny keeps so marvelously revealing itself...
Ha Ha sometimes just in the raw present moment.
So we make few plans... just a general assessment for the times and set our daily sails accordingly... it seems to work...
And a meal or a healing or whatever is always provided when needed...
Such is the Way of Spirit.