Saturday, October 10, 2009

Infinite Wonder

The walk up the mountain stirs the soul...How far, I can see... And arms outstretched ,
with ease,.. do I fly...
I was thinking,... rather remembering, getting stuck in the ground,.. fixed into some
circumstance or idea with its accompanying feeling. Barely able to Breathe, much less move.

It is true that there was a purpose in all that,..the sort of forced stillness that leaves one stranded on the Island of Ones Own Body/Mind... or so it seemed...

And I felt the blessed tree reveal to me what being rooted and still is all about...
I felt the immense Love that poured forth from our gentle mother Earth,..through the molten
layers, up, up through into the soil and rock that understood the tree ,..Love that would enter the tree, to branch out,.. to receive the Sun,.. all expressed in this alchemical movement and Divine Love...

Vibration enters through my feet and my back to meet in the heart, where indeed it blossomed.
So,.. I realized that being stuck is an opportunity to be still and thus begin to feel, as the
expanded awareness evolves,..that in fact, this moment is a Gift...



  1. Branches of light,
    beautiful Suzette,
    branches of light.
    Thanks for inspiring us
    to hug a deep rooted
    Hallowed Tree.
    Quite required,

  2. Hello Girls!

    Sweet to hear from you, at the dark of the moon.
    I will think of you as the sacred fire gives it's light and warmth to my heart.
