God,.. grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,...
..."the Courage to change the things I can..
and the Wisdom to know the difference..."
God,.. grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,...
..."the Courage to change the things I can..
and the Wisdom to know the difference..."
I open the door to find it full of stuff I had stored there,.. for, I don't know, a long time.
I realize as I go to the piles and stacks that, my God ,
I have been carrying this around for so long I don't even notice it anymore.
I look at the room and you know, I just want a place to sit, to dance, to laugh and to cry.
So I examine what's inside. My body becomes soup of emotions,
that in time take wing into the sky getting smaller and smaller.
The stuff starts to disappear.
The room becomes empty.
I sit for a time and just feel the space, the emptiness...
Now I don't feel so alone in the space I have created for myself.
I paint rainbows and lots flowers,and some wild clouds.
There now I have a little table.
Got some sweet apple juice to share with you.
When you visit.