Thursday, December 31, 2009
Welcome Home 2010

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Soul Mates

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tell me about the New World...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Got a minute?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Beneath the Surface
Return to Love
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Here DOG ereH
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Medicinal Tea
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Gentle Readers,
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Golden Light
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Art of Making Fire

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Ambrosial Moments

" Boy,.. ? "
Why call out? There is no longer a doorway... It's closed now.
Left only to visit are murky reflections that haunt...
What's behind the eyes? It's the inner doorway i am being oriented to.
I linger in the passageway,..
the soft purrs at my cheek keeping me a bit longer.
Here on the surface, my minds reprieve...
" Go In..." What's inside beckons me once again.
I stepped through yesterday, for a moment...
I was in a line of cars, engines whining, combusting,..
colored lights,.. signals,.. agendas,... directing.
Then in a twinkling i went to a place where nothing matters.
I was in this quiet Infinite Space,... at Peace.
Then an old lady driving in front of me pulled slightly over
and stood with her Dog in the street.
I passed her carefully then looped back, concerned.
In a twinkling, she and her Dog were back in and driving away.
Maybe,.. I pondered, my moment of being the Infinite Space,
where nothing matters, .. rippled out to reach her
and her Dogs consciousness.
Perhaps for a moment they were there too,
arriving there as I left from there, to observe them...
And i thought,.. maybe we are most 'Current' when
immersed and united
in the Infinite Space, where nothing matters,..
where there is only Love.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October 2nine, nineteen63. Please, let's get the nine fixed on this thing?!

God,.. grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,...
..."the Courage to change the things I can..
and the Wisdom to know the difference..."
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This Moment

Monday, October 19, 2009
What's Inside?
I know there is a purpose in all this. It is confusing and I do feel alone.
I am following my Heart and my intuition. That feels right.
I find a safe place within myself,..
like a building that has withstood much weather and many years.

I open the door to find it full of stuff I had stored there,.. for, I don't know, a long time.
I realize as I go to the piles and stacks that, my God ,
I have been carrying this around for so long I don't even notice it anymore.
I look at the room and you know, I just want a place to sit, to dance, to laugh and to cry.
So I examine what's inside. My body becomes soup of emotions,
that in time take wing into the sky getting smaller and smaller.
The stuff starts to disappear.
The room becomes empty.
I sit for a time and just feel the space, the emptiness...
Now I don't feel so alone in the space I have created for myself.
I paint rainbows and lots flowers,and some wild clouds.
There now I have a little table.
Got some sweet apple juice to share with you.
When you visit.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Somehow we apply our stories to 'Love' to make a rationale or a romance.
We say, "This is Love or that is Love", because certain conditions are met.
I say to you, Love is the space around and through everything.
Love is our teacher , our parent, our friend...
Sometimes we realize Love through an encounter with an enemy.
Love is a Spirit that lingers and caresses and is willing to met us in the pit.
It reveals itself, eyes wide open and eyes shut tight.
It expresses itself and enters through our conscious expansion,
doors of our Self that we open. Alas, It moves through the
doors long ago locked tight, although we may be unable to recognize it, in the moment.

Love is inseparable from Life Experience.
And in the darkest hour, if we are still enough and open enough,
this Love can be felt as an unchanging Comfort and Peace
that sits in the center of the Heart..

Forever Into Infinity

I saw a Turtledove peer down from the roof, toward the grapevine,..
withstanding the eager gaze of the cats below...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Infinite Wonder

with ease,.. do I fly...
I was thinking,... rather remembering, getting stuck in the ground,.. fixed into some
circumstance or idea with its accompanying feeling. Barely able to Breathe, much less move.
It is true that there was a purpose in all that,..the sort of forced stillness that leaves one stranded on the Island of Ones Own Body/Mind... or so it seemed...

I felt the immense Love that poured forth from our gentle mother Earth,..through the molten
layers, up, up through into the soil and rock that understood the tree ,..Love that would enter the tree, to branch out,.. to receive the Sun,.. all expressed in this alchemical movement and Divine Love...
Vibration enters through my feet and my back to meet in the heart, where indeed it blossomed.
So,.. I realized that being stuck is an opportunity to be still and thus begin to feel, as the
expanded awareness evolves,..that in fact, this moment is a Gift...

Sunday, September 6, 2009
everything welcoming.
I float to a nearby tree to witness me.
"Hmmm, where are you girl and who be hiding past the courtyard wall?"
She walks over to see the courtyard Guardians, standing straight, waiting...
The breeze lifts the shawl to capture the feel of Free," Yup that's me,.."says she, "Free."
Swirl,.. to dance the breeze along the wall of watchers...
Take me into the elements past the smells, sounds and feels,... to that place,..
where we may rest in amazement at what cannot be described,..
only listing into laughter and out again.
Cycles and swirls of being caught up in Odic reality...
How very familiar...
Tempt me with your offer of nothingness...
My Love, I delight in you sincerity...
I am enraptured in you truthfulness...
Come let us play.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
To Be Freed
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Deep Within
Sunday, August 16, 2009
On The Line

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Enter-The Story
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The crows circled over as I sat outside. I have not seen this many in long time.