Sunday, April 29, 2012

Only Love

I am not going to struggle any more...
with the doubting of another,
with questioning another's authenticity or truthfulness.

I am not going to subject myself to interrogations or opinions of those who need to blame and find fault.

There is plenty of that in the world, like nasty weeds near a majestic oak or a harvest ready.

Sure I have subscribed to that chaos in my humble life.
"Take as needed ," the directions said. So I did, until this day. I have decided the old pills of primary programming, are killing me.

So if you wish my friend, as I free my self to trust the medicine  
in the glorious offerings of each moment,
if you wish…
I will walk with you along a shore or in the woods or along a silent street and as our busy thoughts drift upward to join the vultures riding the
thermal waves… I will meet you, in the experience of being.

I shall witness all that we are and releasing that also to drift upward
because I realize my thoughts and assessments reduce this sacred experience... of Love... indefinable, magnificent, trusting... living and dying in each breath.

I love you, I love you all, like our Sun loves to shine.
I shall, until my final breath, hold you tenderly in the Heart,
the place we all 'know' when we are still enough
and quiet enough to really feel.
I meet you there.
I meet you there.

From my heart to yours,

Suzette Marie Laux, April 29, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012