Wednesday, September 29, 2010


What is left to collect?


Only do I feel kisses on the wind

Radiance received and returned again

In Truth, we could never be apart

Yes, My Heart broke open and it bloomed

Vines, blossoms, butterflies...
a stray centipede makes it's way across a home that knows not time
only to be captured in a dream of distance and separation

If I can touch not your body, so may I touch your soul...
If I can kiss not your lips, so may I sing softly our song...
If I can breathe not your breath, so may I inhale your presence...

May I radiate this Love

Forever unto Infinity

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Seven Sad Days

Missing 'the boy'. Yep i learned more about myself and my life
in the past seven days then ever before.

Fifty Years of Beautiful

Maureen's Celebration

Gathering the girls

Bek and Bly

Will and Adrian stop in for birthday hug and kiss... and food.

Jeannie bakes the cake.

Fire and Fancy

Ceremonial sword for cutting cords and cake.

Will and I

Caroline is hearing me say, the new home didn't work out.
Cat is coming home to snuggle.
Yep, the sweet lady said, "He just isn't happy."
I received that phone call as I pulled into Moes yard after a 4 hour drive South.
Caroline said with a big smile, "See I told you he'd be back...I knew it!"
So Caroline and I have a sleep over, watch her favorite movie at midnight (Titans)
and one a 8 am next morning(Blindside). Twas great Lina! xo
Then I head North to get the boy, Calsifer.


If you love something, set it free.

One hour away from point of reunion I have a tire blowout.
i had just reduced speed to 60 mph. Nearly crashed.
I sat in the car realizing I had cheated death.
Well, if one must cheat...

Finally Patrick arrives to help change tire.
In the next 30 minutes I would be attacked by vicious ants,
have a tire iron thrown onto my foot and sit on sharp little wires sticking out of the
ripped up tire.

Then my friend Patrick would ask me , "Are you sure you're not actually blond?
The reason you couldn't get your keys out is because you were still in drive."
Then, with beads of sweat seeping through his porous puss,
he asked (somewhat arrogantly) "Do you think you could have changed this tire?
See sometimes it's good to have a man around."

I know he's trying to annoy me but I am just so happy to be alive
and my boy(Calsifer), he's waiting for me.

Anyway it's obvious he is still upset that I consistently outshoot him with his own


Well, he keeps eating and purring and giving
mucho kisses and cuddles.
Slept through the night beside his mama.
Did his little, " I feel good...da da da da...
knew that I would now..." rollover.
Today we make it the rest of the way to our hideaway.

Oh um Rocky... Remember what we agreed to, if God
brought Calsifer back into our lives?
He can't wait to see his Papa!
Takes a village, ya know.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Gift Of Spirit

September 10 2010

There are few words left, mostly letters and symbols now,

the all-seeing eye of Horus,

the OM symbol,

a Z floats by undulating to the rhythm of crickets and frogs.

A ‘C’ turned sideways becomes a cup.

What will it contain?

The dark of the moon is a circle hidden, waiting to be impregnated and

illuminated with light.

A seed breaks open. The root goes down while the stem moves up,

Anchored to ascend … and so I am.

Words pasteurized, sold to the undernourished proclaiming to tell the truth.

Truth distilled from a soup of experience and emotions lies lightly on the ground,

a white feather resting for a moment until the next wind moves it.

Has the rain soaked the scalp? The red ant crawls up the thigh unaware the tent has been zipped up for the night… Shared experience is always in the making.

I try to tell you what is true, “Pee in a jar, that way the mosquitoes won’t bite your butt.” Alas, it is I and I alone who rests on the earthen soil, listening to the woodland chorus, spying stars through the silhouetted trees that watch over this strange soul.

How many times have I bowed down to a mossy rock,

pressing my lips and nose into the velvety green, inhaling the intoxicating perfume?

I could never tire of that experience.

Coming upon a patch of berries makes me smile to salivation.

Who will share this simple life with me?

I can tell you about ‘What’ I am unto eternity but of this skin I have donned, time passes quickly, sand moving through a narrowed space of inoculated moments.

Who is this woman that lays to rest by starlight with large red ants that visit into the night? And what of this sacred human experience gifted unto thee?

I shall NO longer be stricken with a cause, confounded by careful calculations,

fearful of entanglements, nor threatening to remove the fragile self from the web altogether.

No more desire or ‘duty’ to regurgitate the voice, which beats not upon an eardrum.

We have eternity to be ‘what’ we are… we have only a short time to be Human.

“Rise to the moment!” the lucid vibration translates

as my blood and breath pulses through the network,

communicating with all it touches, carrying life, an eternal record,

fragmented pieces that vibrate in unison,

delivering the sweetness of existence…shared.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Just a thought-

To say Love is nothing is kind of like saying air is nothing.
It may appear as nothing but it sure affects our quality of life.
And given a choice, why not have a great quality of life while we are it?

We, try as we might, cannot separate or isolate space or love from
anything. And so divinely gifted is the kaleidoscope of colors and shapes,
the personal and collective experience of everything
and the more subtle experience of nothing,
as perceived through these god given instruments,
our precious human bodies.


Saturday, September 4, 2010