Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lost and Found Peep

Uncanny resemblance!

Hhhhhh... Safety in numbers maybe but then ya don't get to experience anything
like a bathtub
or huge kisses
or baby talk from an adult human
or the feel of cotton sheets
or the sound of guitar.... ( no i did not)
or the flash of god?
or Rebekah's " What the H are you doing?" ( he was lost!*$#%#^#@)
or "I set you FREE...Ducky!"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Uniting Sun and Moon

Full Moon Gathering

The Sacred Journey

In the silence, in the empty moments, there is Love...swirling, twisting,
twirling, bending...bursting into this space... and my beloved I see your face.
I remember our laughter. Yes, i remember ... eyes wet with tears...
I can still feel how you touched me... and a gentle half breath leaves my lips...
Does it find its way to your ear? Encoded in its deliverance,
" Thank you... I will always love you..."

So we meet another time, you and I.
Gurunam, you have been a trusted friend and a guiding light.
I lay before you on the table as you place the tender hands of God on my body...and what i feel is poetry, is music.
It is the brightest purest Light and it encompasses us, a union, a gift from Spirit.
I break the silence to tell you of the Love i am feeling...
but you already know.
And you pray a prayer of all good things for me and that God continue
to be with this wandering soul.
You assure me there is no wrong path as I walk with God.
I Love you, my friend.
You tell me, " You always have a place with me..."
And you really feel it and so i receive the gift of encouragement
to live true to my Heart, trusting my intuition.
Blessed friend, we could never be apart.

Oh my Heather Feather, Peacock Feather! Kindred wandering soul.
Your new journey is about to begin... Our time together is filled with the honor
and intensity of realizing 'this moment' IS what we have. I have shared so much with you.
Makes me smile.
The time we sat transfixed on the edge of my bed watching the ducks out my window.
All we could see was the sporadic winged delight jetting out from the tall grass.
Awkward, the movement yet full of passionate creation. Faster and faster the wings flew,
the grins growing on our faces. "Ok this is it, can you feel it?" I ask. "Yes!" you squeal.
Then stillness... silence. Our hearts are beating faster. The ducks emerge into the open.
I thought it was beautiful that you and I fed the 15 ducklings together yesterday morning,
with big smiles.

I love your devotion to God, your passion for people and service. I love your free spirit.
Our last ceremony, two old grandmothers showed up for us. ;-) Peacock Feather and Lu Lu.
They stayed with us 3 days and nights. Our only directive was to tune in to the moment
and I will always remember the wisdom and guidance
that was shared in that timeless space
draped in time.
Sister, words are required less and less since then.
Our trusted, true expression to one another,
" It is vibrationally understood"
and what an honor, indeed.

You were weeks old when you found your way into our lives. I treated you like a son.
I still refer to you, when speaking to the kids, as " your Brother". You held the space for love to grow and flourish. We made a home together. You would always join us by the fire. And when
we moved you helped in your own beautiful way. Yesterday after Heather left, you came to me while I napped pushing you wet nose under the pillow to find my lips. This is where we meet, under the pillow in the cloth cave we have created. I think of our parting and I feel sad...
even though we have had an agreement from the beginning- to appreciate each moment while it is given to us... and we have...done that. I thought that would make it easier...
no, only more heart felt. And so I bury my nose in your furry chest
and I hug you... a long deliberate hug... like there will be no tomorrow...feeeeeling the Love.
Then you bite me hard on the cheek, bringing me immediately into present moment awareness... And for a moment I think maybe I can live without you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sacred Gift

What is Sacred cannot be compromised,
only our experiencing of it may be.

Funny how we spend the first part of our lives trying to define ourselves...

and the next part, allowing all definitions and manufactured identies to fall away...

so to become FREE ... to intimately experience this moment... a most Sacred Gift

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recent Lessons

Know what you are aiming for...

Love is not Attachment...
Any compulsory action or thought should be suspect.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Back Woods

I drove miles and miles on dirt roads for this concert...

Ma, Patrick and Angel...good company except Patrick smokes cigars and Ma kept trying to push her homemade kefir on me.

As I was Leaving with trailer in tow, I saw this beauty.

Another one of Patrick's projects. He still owes me an old Chevy Truck.
Yep, won it in a poker game 20 plus years ago.

I am gonna borrow this trailer next visit...

Where the Fairies Live

A Great Tree...

An elusive butterfly.
If you look real close you can see the fairy sitting between the wings.

A Fairy nice place to be still.

A fairy big tree.

What's in the pot? Can't tell. Sorry.


Inspirational! sweet!

What if we all lived in tents?

Makeshift washroom in horse trailer. Found a friend on shelf.
Out here all life is equal. Such a precious moment to share with one so small and green.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sunday, April 11, 2010


I have been battling a rogue and relentless mosquito for 3 nights.
At the moment it is winning.
"zzzzz-zzzzzz-zzzzz"... silence, I slap myself in the ear another time.
I just know someone is laughing somewhere.
Hhhh...good night.

Confessions of a Fool

So Yesterday before I had to go into work,
Rebekah (my daughter) and I were laying in bed
giggling. She was apparently trying to enlighten the 'Fool',
Me. You know things like;

1. lol means 'laugh out loud' not 'lots of laughter'.
2. She told me when I put stars around my posted words
it makes me look insane...(who would have thought?)
3.When I CAPITALIZE my words it is like ,(and she did annoyingly demonstrate),
4. She said, some things I should keep to myself...(?)
5. You know things like... how I run out side to get rained on,
how I hear answers to my own questions,
how I sometimes dance to music only I can hear,
well the list goes on and on...
6. So I explained to her, between our delightful dialogue, that I considered
and tend to believe what I blog may come true.
( power of intention or delusions of grandeur? ...
who cares... but we did set out to find out)

The Experiment

A plan was quickly devised. In the last post,
"Starry Night" was about picking the winning lottery numbers.
I would post then we would go buy the winning ticket.
Well, we set out in her old Ford convertible and bought a ticket.

:-) it was fun. I fell asleep before the drawing.
She did not bother to wake me up...
She does have a lot of Heart...

7. Sometimes I ask silly questions like " Did we win?"

*8* Just so you know, I AM a believer, a 'feeler' of GREAT things! Can't help it... Just is.
God must have been stoned or in some sort of Love bliss when he put my gears, springs and spacers In. TRUST ME it was Gods work... Have an issue with it? TALK TO HIM!
Like anyone really cares hahahah!!! i mean lol

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Starry Night

The numbers aligned perfectly, matching to our delight.
This test and triumph gifting us our own rendition of a
Starry Night.

A New World

The course of our collective destiny has been altered so many times.

We have been uplifted and stabilized, over and over again.

We have help.

They are among us.

Some are embodied. Some are not.

Trust they are here.

Please realize we would have fallen into catastrophe globally
a while ago.

Sacred space is being held...

by some of us, for ALL of us.

ONE is our common denominator.

White light contains within it all the visible wave vibrations.

There is much more that moves about unseen.

They are among us to help, motivated by LOVE.

We are invited to consciously jump into the Vibrational Process...

with TRUTH, LOVE and awareness of PEACE...

Participate in the Alchemical Creation of a New World

through our collective consciousness,


Friday, April 9, 2010

Forever Love

In this moment I heard Him Speak to me...

Then I drifted far away in my thoughts.
I could not hear Him any longer.

He remained steady
and waited
for my return
to remind me of
His Love

Sacred Expressions

It all passed through me like a gentle breeze,
unassuming, however deliberate...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sacred Space

There is a place within each of us, that knows peace.

May you realize it, this moment...

and feel it radiate into our world and beyond.